Sacred Birth Journey

By Bump, Birth & Beyond (other events)

Saturday, May 9 2015 5:00 PM 7:00 PM CDT

Pregnant Mamas and Partners....

Your Sacred Pregnancy is a journey. Our 4-week long classes hold space for pregnant women to connect with one another and their pregnancy experiences in meaningful and personal ways. Sacred Pregnancy classes are determined to bring back the age old tradition of women sitting with one another during pregnancy & birth, getting empowered, witnessing each others process and being there for one another during an incredibly powerful rite of passage...becoming mothers!

During Sacred Pregnancy retreats pregnant women gather together and explore pertinent topics that naturally arise for most women as they walk down their pregnancy paths and encourage deep sharing, exploring art, expression, laughter, honoring, and celebration.

Pregnancy is one of the deepest drinks life has to offer. Each woman's pregnancy pot gets stirred with various emotions and we all need a safe place to process those tides and sip some sanity from the community cauldron.

You will experience:
Week 1: Standing on the Edge
- Discuss what is happening to your birthing body & visualizations

Week 2: Surrender
- Practice pushing into surges and trust, surge strategies the power of smell, and song

Week 3: Birth
- Birth talk: when will I know I am in labor, technical talk, education, calling on Earth, air, fire, and water for support

Week 4: Rite of Passage
- Discuss rite of passage, mother roasting and mother wisdom

Cost: $250/couple ($200 for early bird registration)